Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jadwal Road Show dan Interview Radio (on air) bulan Februari 2010

Road Show Payungi dan Interview Radio (on air) di beberapa kota di Jawa Barat:

Sabtu, 13 Feb: Tasikmalaya
--> Emdikei FM: pukul 10 pagi
Style FM: masih dalam konfirmasi
Warna FM: masih dalam konfirmasi
Martha FM: masih dalam konfirmasi

Minggu, 14 Feb: Garut
--> Gstar FM: pukul 12-13
Tri FM: pukul 14-15
Reks FM: pukul 16-17
Best FM: pukul 18-21

Senin, 15 Feb: Bandung
--> Radio dan waktu acara masih dalam konfirmasi

Rabu, 17 Feb: Cianjur
--> Bio Plus FM: masih dalam konfirmasi
Tjandra FM: masih dalam konfirmasi

Kamis, 18 Feb: Sukabumi
--> Elmitra FM: masih dalam konfirmasi
NDS FM: masih dalam konfirmasi

Jum'at, 19 Feb: Bogor
--> Pro 2 FM: masih dalam konfirmasi

Sabtu, 20 Feb: Bandung (off air)
--> Live performance di acara Malam Inaugurasi LPKIA Bandung bersama Vierra, The Sigit, The Arian, dll.
--> Pukul 16-22 pm

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Introduction of Payungi

Began from hanging out at the music community in Tasikmalaya, West Java, we realized that we had the same perception and passion on music. That's why finally we decided to performed a group with our own philosophy.

We called this group as PAYUNGI, based from our performance, creativity, and talent that each personnel have.

"What's the meaning of 'PAYUNGI'?"
We took it from the word 'payung' in Indonesian language (payung = umbrella), when Sundanese people called 'payung' as 'pajeng'. 'Pajeng' in Indonesian language can be transferred as 'laku' or 'laris', at general can be said as "payung is immortal through time".

We hope that phylosophy will guides PAYUNGI transform to becoming a big band in the future, when another goal is that PAYUNGI will be known and accepted by all of the music lovers in Indonesia.